My Beginning

Summer 2009 in New York City stands as one of the most memorable moments of my life. Attending a study program for my Sociology major, I quickly immersed in the culture of the city. It was the first time in forever I felt truly alive.

Mixing every tourist attraction and favorite local pastime, I saw NYC as a cultural hub embracing and celebrating life. From guided tours of the city, visiting landmarks, interacting with the locals, exploring all 5 boroughs, enjoying the nightlife, tasting New York cuisine, attending museums, concerts, plays, sporting events and so much more, I was everywhere and loved every second of this concrete jungle. Sleeping didn’t even exist because living in the moment was more important. At the same time, being in the energy of the city, every task presented always became an enjoyable exploration for information.

4 years later, living in Los Angeles, I found myself at a creative slump and an urge to recreate this NYC experience. Wanting to carry the same spirit over to my life and career, I rediscovered my love for writing – marking the beginning of my brand and journey as janinevy [juh-neen-vee].