
Do you wonder sometimes why people face disappointment? Having my fair share of them, I think it has more to do with the person who has the expectation rather than the person who has to hold the expectation. Don’t get me wrong; I think expectations are necessary because it gives us a point of reference on how to be better. At the same time, we often fail to communicate our expectations to the bearers of these expectancies. As a result, one party has no knowledge of these hopes while the other party is left disappointed.

So in my part to be better and to avoid disappointment, I felt it was necessary to share my intentions for this blog space. We understand expectations as a thing to look forward to or something to expect from someone. Thus, I wanted to create and lay a foundation with you, as my audience, about what to expect when you come to my blog.  

My goal is to create original and honest content about an array of topics that I hope you find just as interesting as I do.

The following are categories you’ll see me cover:
1.     STYLE
6.    TRAVEL
7.     HEALTH
8.    SPORTS

In trying to keep my own truth, I hope to keep this space safe. I understand that no perspective is identical and we each have something to share. So, I hope everyone that comes here, myself included, will keep an open-mind to hear each other out. Understanding comes through dialogue. With excitement in my heart, I am hopeful our dialogue will elevate and lift us.