Flow Forward

Life has a funny way of moving. It’s been months since my last post. I remember writing it feeling enthused I was going to write more. As we can see, the exact opposite happened.

(For my own mental clarity, let me write this down, so I know it’s real.)

So after I finished the post, Mercury retrograde happened. The basic explanation means to say that planet Mercury appears to move in an opposite direction to planet Earth. It is believed that during this retrograde period, it has an effect on our lives especially within communication and technology. It’s also said that certain astrological signs are deeply affected by the retrograde. Some think it’s baloney, while others swear by it. I’m somewhere in the middle. As a Gemini (haaay!), we are ruled by planet Mercury, which means we’re greatly impacted by the retrograde.  During this time, Geminis were advised to keep their mouths shut (since we’re jabbers) to avoid offending someone. Launching new projects were also ill advised and patience was the key to success.

Well, I listened. And inevitably, complacency found a way into my routine. Like a family member who promises they only need a place for 2 weeks and somehow end up staying for months on end. Now, I’m here like, “What in the world?! This has to end.” I’m the type of person who needs to be constantly on the move and complacency goes against who I am at the core. I believe complacency keeps you from progressing and it stunts your growth. In frustration, I knew Mercury retrograde made me comfortable in complacency. With every ounce of mental strength and will power left in me, I finally got here.

So, HI.

That was a much longer rant/explanation than intended. In short, I really just wanted to say, KEEP IT PUSHING – no matter what. I understand we have days where we don’t feel like it or flatly don’t want to do it. It’s okay to have those days. In my case, I had months of bad days. And this is where it can become detrimental. Pile on the bad days and we get into the mindset that another mishap is enough to ensue more unfortunate days ahead. Then, we feel stuck in this cycle of helplessness. The key is to remain mindful and fight not to stay there. Break the mentality. You’ve heard misery loves company. Well, comfort hates growth. Together, it’s like water and oil – they don’t mix.  So, try to see each day as an opportunity to start anew.

A bit cliché, but seize moments that inspire you. Stay active and do things you like. Be around people who are motivating. You never know what could spark your momentum. Remember, a step - big or small - is still a step. All you have to do is try. At the very least, believe in yourself and know positive things are coming.

XX. more love. more light. and to better days ahead.